crEITive is a software tool for complex geometrical optics reconstruction for the 3D Electrical Impedance Tomography inverse problem. The program consists of forward and inverse problem solvers implemented in C++ and an interface in Matlab.


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0. Requirements

Installation is supported on unix-based systems and requires a C++ compiler, GNU make and some libraries and Matlab for an interface:

  • GCC or Clang
  • Boost C++ Libraries
  • BLAS
  • FFTW
  • SuiteSparse
  • GSL
  • Eigen
  • OpenMP

On Ubuntu-like distributions you may install everything with the command

sudo apt-get install g++ make libboost-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev libfftw3-dev libsuitesparse-dev libgsl0-dev libeigen3-dev libomp-dev

On a macOS system you may utilize Command Line Tools and Homebrew to install the libraries with the command

sudo brew install llvm make boost openblas lapack fftw suite-sparse gsl eigen libomp 

1. Compilation

Make sure the libraries are installed correctly and loaded. On university computing clusters you may want to add module load gcc and module load suitesparse. Navigate to the main folder crEITive and type the two commands

make install

If compilation finishes successfully, the executables files are now installed in crEITive/bin.  If an error occurs, please modify crEITive/code/arch.make according to your specifications following the template example_arch.make. The prepackaged arch.make file is tailored towards macOS systems and Ubuntu-like distributions. You may remove all generated files by the commands

make deinstall
make mrproper

2. Getting started

Start Matlab, navigate to the main folder crEITive and type in the Matlab command window the command

run startup.m

Try an example script in crEITive/examples or go to Tutorial.


crEITive is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0