# Example arch.make # Variables that should be defined are: # LIBS -- Linker flags # CXX -- C++ compiler # CXXFLAGS -- C++ flags # # This program requires the following libraries which should be linkable through # the LIBS variable: # gsl # SuiteSparse (Umfpack and AMD) # FFTW # BLAS + LAPACK # GSL GSL_PATH = /appl/gsl/2.5 INC += -I$(GSL_PATH)/include LIBS += -L$(GSL_PATH)/lib -Wl,-rpath=$(GSL_PATH)/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas # Suitesparse SUITESPARSE_PATH = /appl/SuiteSparse/5.1.2-sl73 LIBS += -L$(SUITESPARSE_PATH)/lib -Wl,-rpath=$(SUITESPARSE_PATH)/lib -lumfpack -lamd # fftw #FFTW_PATH = /appl/fftw/3.3.8/${CPUTYPEV} # If you have a specific path for FFTW, please adapt #LIBS += -L$(FFTW_PATH)/lib -Wl,-rpath=$(FFTW_PATH)/lib -lfftw3 LIBS += -lfftw3 # BLAS + LAPACK LIBS += -lopenblas # If you are on a mac system, you probably need to uncomment the following line # If it works without, don't use it #CXXFLAGS += -Xclang # Define compiler CXX = g++ CXXFLAGS = -O3 -Wall $(INC) -fopenmp